My Last Resume: New & Collected Poems
1971-1980 / 1999-2023
Santiago Mejia / San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris
About Joseph Di Prisco
Joseph Di Prisco is the acclaimed author of prize-winning poetry, bestselling memoirs, nonfiction, and novels. He taught for many years and has served as board member or chair of not-for-profits dedicated to the arts, theater, children’s mental health, and education.
In 2015, he founded New Literary Project, a not-for-profit driving social change and unleashing artistic power, investing in writers across generations from neglected, overlooked communities. He also directs NewLit’s annual Joyce Carol Oates Prize, awarded to mid-career authors of fiction, and is Series Editor of the annual anthology Simpsonistas: Tales from New Literary Project. Born in Brooklyn, he grew up in Greenpoint and then in Berkeley. He and his family now live in Lafayette, California.